Joey is now 6 months! These 6 months have gone by so much faster than Lydia’s first 6 months of life. I know this is not really possible, as 6 months is 6 months, but maybe because there’s more going on, the time has really flown!
Joey’s stats: At his 6 month appt on Monday, Joey weighed 20 pounds exactly. He’s continuing on that 90%ile with everything: head circumference, height and weight. However at the rate he eats, I thought he’d actually weigh more, lol!
He’s as fun as ever, with his smiling, laughing, and “screeching”. He loves to sit in his bumbo chair and watch what’s going on. He still loves to be held and looked at, which is cute, and at times somewhat inconvenient. We’re starting to notice some major differences between him and his sister. One is that he’s starting to reach and grab for EVERYTHING. He’s also much more active than Lydia and swats more and kicks more. This is normal baby behavior I’m sure, and I know once he’s crawling/cruising/walking, he will probably keep me on my toes! And after all, he is a boy! He is very reactive too. What I mean by that is when we smile, he smiles back or laughs instantly, but he also cries when I sneeze, or use the blender, etc.! Lydia slept through the vacuum cleaner being run, and loved when I blended things in the Magic Bullet, and we had to put on a circus show, to get her to laugh! Joe, well, not so much! It is neat to see how God created them to be very different.
Lydia is saying more sentences and cracks us up with so much of what she says and how she says it! Just this morning as Marc was leaving for work, she said “bye” with the same intonation that Marc says it. She also continues to love singing and can even sing a few songs all by herself (ABC’s, Jesus Loves me, Twinkle Twinkle). She loves her little brother and loves to touch his “soft” and “fuzzy” head.
All in all, the two of them keep mommy very busy and also keep us laughing!
Joey at 6 months:
And a few pictures from the past month
Didier Farms Family Excursion:
Walk to Park:
Go Pack!
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